1. Pancakes or waffles? With or without toppings?
Pancakes pending who's making them. Is sausage a topping?

2. They say, "Way to a man's heart is through his stomach." What is the way to your heart?
That saying is SO 50's! Get the little woman in the kitchen where she belongs and eternal bliss is yours! The way to THIS man's heart is through his mind! (or try the southern route)
3. Have you ever gone to a topless/clothing optional beach? If yes, did you participate?
It wasn't a beach, but it was a clothing option campground. As far as did I participate? Let me bring Oprah in with her Color Purple quote. "I said.. Hell No!"
4. What song reminds you of a previous relationship (for good or bad)?
Oddly, there is a song that always makes me think of a relationship that ended badly. The odd part is the relationship wasn't mine. A friend of mine in SC had a relationship ages ago with a guy and their "song" was Phil Collin's "Separate Lives" Why, I don't know. Foreshadowing it seems as they broke up anyway. I've never been big on relationship songs, but some songs really make me think of specific happenings. "Ode to Billy Joe" comes to mind.....
5. When, where and with who was your best kiss ever?
I honestly can't pick a "best kiss ever" I truly enjoy kissing and many have been fantastic in their own rights. Many have been like kissing a fish too. Sadly I can remember the WORST kiss ever, but that's for another TMI.
TMI's optional question was such that I will plead the fifth and offer you my own little optional closer:
CTA has had their fair share of complaints especially with the recent Blue Line debacle, but at least it's not like this train system that is in Japan:
Was the clothing-optional campground someplace you went for band camp? ;)
The way through your heart is the southern route?
You must mean a catheter snaked through the femoral artery to the aortas. Yes. You must. ;)
Happy TMI
I know you put that first picture there just for me! hee.
RE your worst kiss...I keep thinking...big cheez.... :)
You didn't get naked?!? Come on, baby. Show 'em what you got!!!!
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