Every bohunk, redneck, never-worked-a-city-bus suburbanite comes down the blue line (my train) and gets on the #80 Irving Park bus (my bus) going towards Wrigley. Hey Burbies... learn some things about commuting from the pros.

2. We are NOT Rosa Parks, it is socially acceptable these days to be in the back of the bus, MOVE YOUR DUMB ASS BACK! I don't care if Becky-Sue sat down in the first seat available at the front of the bus, if you're standing, you need to move back so everyone else can get on! Yesterday I gave up and didn't get on the bus because there was no room. Joe Suburb was standing half way back with both hands on the ceiling rails jacking it up with his buddy not realizing there was enough aisle room behind him to have allowed 10 more folks on the bus.
3. If you're coming into "the city" with someone not from Chicago, and you're going to regale them with Chicago tidbits, make sure you get your shit straight.
How many times will I have to sit through yet another incorrect reason why Chicago is called the Second City.

4. Yes, CTA has implemented a fantastic program that allows seniors 65 or older to ride for free. That doesn't mean you just automatically haul Aunt Gertrude down from Crystal Lake and expect her to hop on and off like the downtown trolley. You (or rather she) has to have the senior pass card.
I hear tell that you folks out there have indoor plumbing AND Internet... go check out the CTA website and look into some stuff before you come and make me take an hour and a half to get home when it usually takes me 45. Better yet, get that big ass, overdone flat screen TV in your basement (cave) den, turn it to WGN, and watch the game there and keep your ass out in the burbs.
Whew... now was that a rant or what?
I still like suburban people though... if you stay off my train and bus.
(Disclaimer.... if I know you and we're friends and you're reading this I am NOT talking about you.. don't write me complaining. It's your NEIGHBOR!)
Shit dude, I am COMPLETELY jealous of you!! I've always wanted to live in Wrigleyville, and to be able to see/hear a game from my apartment.
To bad could never afford it in a million years.
Shit dude, I am COMPLETELY jealous of you!! I've always wanted to live in Wrigleyville, and to be able to see/hear a game from my apartment.
To bad could never afford it in a million years.
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