Wake up, see that it's light outside, look at clock, 8:15am. Still sleepy so roll back over for a bit more.
Wake up, see that it's light outside, but not bright. Pull aside curtains and see that it's overcast and dreary. Look at clock, 10:00am. OK, one more hour and I'll get up and get started. No big plans, so not in a hurry.
Wake up, see that it's light out, but darker than before. Pull aside curtains expecting to see dark thunder clouds or something and it's just darker. Look at clock, 5:15pm!
NINETEEN HOURS! I slept for 19 hours. Sadly I didn't mean to or want to, but BAM, I nearly slept an entire day! I don't think I've slept that long uninterrupted in my entire life without having just come through surgery of some sort.
Luckily i was able to get to sleep for the most part last night, though I did wake up throughout the night. Too bad God didn't give us a need for a finite amount of sleep. If so I'd be ready for an all nighter at the bars this weekend.
You rock! Even I haven't done that in ages! I think you're taking lessons on sleeping from Lea :-)
Wow, I am kind of jealous! You must have really needed a rest. I'm glad you had a nice holiday to do it.
That is ridiculous. Dude, set an ALARM!
Or drink a lot of water!
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