Thursday, August 28, 2008
Screw you Gustav... I'm goin' home

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It's a hard job #3...
Sorry, can't think of a better word to describe my luck.

Funny that during my conference on Thursday, most of the presentations are centered around disaster management.... and that's when Gustav is expected to start hitting us here on Grand Cayman.
We'll be fine and I'll be using the opportunity to blogcument it all!
See you all soon!
Monday, August 25, 2008
It's a hard job #2

Cayman (well, the Caribbean as a whole it seems) has odd weather. We took a break from the exhausting business of laying in the water and/or snorkeling for lunch and happen to be in the room to catch this shot of the rain passing by. It was sunny and cloudless by the time we got back to the pool.
You can see the rain coming in the dark wall. So very cool.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's a hard job, but.......
This trip, however, I guess i need to fess up and say, yeah... I'm enjoying this one! When managing a conference internationally, I need to be on-site a couple of days before the start so that we have a chance to get to know the property, contact the customs broker and make sure our convention materials have made it through customs, etc etc. This time, it's all gone well and I've had the chance to enjoy the Ritz Carlton Grand Cayman.... I would have more and better pictures, but I resigned myself to enjoy more than watch the clock or think of taking pictures. I did capture this one out of my balcony the first night here.
More to come :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
An Ode to Gary Larson

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'm a little bit Calvin and a little bit Hobbes (n-roll)

Your result for The Calvin Or Hobbes Test...
A Bit Of Both
Take the TEST yourself!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Pushing the seasons

I was in Wallgreens this weekend and ran across this lovely display above. It's August 16 and there's HALLOWEEN CANDY out already. Yeah, I was tempted to buy because candy corn (in all it's various shapes) is one of my favorites, but it's still August!
The weekend of August 9 was Market Days, a street fair that lasts two days and is the biggest summer street festival in the Midwest. Always a summer staple. This past Tuesday I was walking home from dinner with friends and noticed that the same area that was still cleaning up from Market Days, already had the fall banners on the street lamp poles.
One of the biggest differences weather wise I've had to adjust to moving from South Carolina to Chicago is that the summer is short. But what we consider summer isn't so much when the kids are out of school, or the named months of June, July, and August, but it is more defined by how many days we have to crank the AC, or wear shorts when we're out. Our summer days are numbered as we're getting less and less light during the day. But please, don't rush summer away with Halloween Candy and fall signage. The next step will be Christmas trees on sale for Labor Day!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Over/Under Rated Friday - Special Olympic Twist
Overrated - Michael Phelps

Now I can hear the gasp of Lea from SC and others already, but back down, I don't mean him personally. I'm actually thinking of the impression I get from him ABOUT the whole shebang from his viewpoint.
Last Tuesday or so I caught a medal ceremony for one swim event or another. Michael Phelps (MP for short) had won gold and another US swimmer had won bronze. (sorry other US swimmer, I can't recollect your name) Anyway, after all the winners had been given their medals the flags were being raised and the US National Anthem was being played. The bronze winner was smiling as big as he could, you could see his lips moving as he sang along with the anthem with his hand placed firmly over his heart and you could just tell he was tickled pink to be there. MP, however, had his hand lazily across his chest like he was cupping a breast, he was looking left and right and the look on his face was even more lax than the picture above and kind of relayed a look like "if I picked my butt to get my speedo out of my crack right now, do you think they'd notice?"
He has said himself he doesn't like losing. He obviously likes winning and I truly am proud that he does! He's reppin' the homeland very well. But is he as excited with the win as he is with the chase TO win?
Look above, Mark Spitz might be on the verge of breaking his jaw he's smiling so hard at winning another gold medal. MP looks like he's smelled a fart from the medal presenter and is playing with his nipple.
So AGAIN, I'm not dogging MP. I'm happy for him and really want him to get all 8 possible golds. But I'm just curious; CAN you win so often that it's just another medal ceremony? Seen one, seen 'em all? I just wonder if, by the continuous look on his face, if winning yet another gold medal for MP is overrated.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
12 of 12 (v3) August 2008
Chad's project asks bloggers to take 12 photos of their daily lives on the 12th of the month. I tried to start this last month, but the 12th fell on a very rare Saturday when I had the day to myself and the pictures would have been 'me on the couch watching this movie' then 'me on the couch watching that movie' or 'me sleeping'... you get the idea.
So for August 2008, here's my day in 12 pictures.

"Route, X80, Lakeshore to Harlem" The bus says as the doors open and invite me to my usual seat.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
TMI Tuesday - The Rushed Edition
1. What is your favorite song to have sex to?

Friday, August 1, 2008
Just in time....perhaps

But I'll still be up at 6am (which means no drinking the night before) and I'll still work on my feet until around 8 or 9pm that evening and I'll get to smile 24/7 answering attendee questions like "Where's the Ballroom" (the one that's behind them?) or "Why can't I have an ocean front room?" (because you're a cheap bastard and wouldn't pay $229/night?) I get all kinds of questions... but at the end of the day... I can step on the beach, take a few deep breaths and it will all fade away.
What brought this on was as I was looking for more Harry Potter stuff (Geek Ray set to stun) I saw a new bit of HP info that I'd not heard, or let's just say, my owl has not made it to me yet with the announcement about....
That's right! Opening approximately Spring of 2010, Orlando will unveil its newest park dedicated to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. While I am a Harry Potter fan, I wouldn't truck my cookies all the way to Orlando for the sole purpose of this park. My dislike of Orlando and the vision of crazed and uncontrolled children on vacation far outweighs my love for Harry Potter. However... I did just sign the hotel contract for my 2010 annual conference at an Orlando hotel so I'll be there in October... Harry's world opens around April.... I think I know where I can go!
Time to get my broom....