I woke up this morning and the news said the temp was 31 and the slight wind chill took it into the high 20's.
I'm sure this chill isn't here to stay, but honestly... It was up in the 70's just a few days ago wasn't it?
I know, I know... I choose to live here. And there's plenty to offset the cold.
But still...
It's been in the 30s here in S.C. overnight and in the morning too, so don't feel too bad.
We actually had to turn on the heat. I didn't expect to have to turn on the heat until December or January!
At least I'm getting to wear my sweaters. Think of cold weather that way - an excuse to wear cute sweaters!
yeah, it's been quite chilly up here... and we even had flurries on sunday.
But it's supposed to be 65 on thursday!
I'm not saying anything...not a word about the top being down, the a/c being on or that the pool was busy yesterday. Nothing....not a word....really
And it was 93 (on the last day of October!) when I left work yesterday afternoon. Who says there's no global warming/the weather ain't fucked up. Puleeze!
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