Thanks to Lea in SC for sending the following headlines showing that you shouldn't feel bad if you're stupid... you're far from alone!
Let's start with Lea's favorite: (edited Naf Naf!)

Future NRA President?

This reminds me of the movie "Dave" where he debates spending $XX million on a campaign to bolster confidence in Americans who have purchased American cars... paying to make them feel better for something they've already done.... way to go!

I have a feeling that Geraldo will be covering the excavation site LIVE!

"We had no idea anyone was buried there"... In a mausoleum? Really?

Those Utah folks don't miss anything do they?

Your tax dollars at work!
Those damn 22 year olds.... They've always been the bain of teenage pregnancy!
I've known quite a few industrious Puerto Ricans, but wow... she's a busy girl!
Think he smacks his ass when he applauds??
those are freakin hilarious.
I love that the baby was photographed WITH the gun!
Oh, and the teen pregnancy one is just funny!
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