While I'm waxing nostalgic on a very tardy TMI Tuesday, the above referenced Jitterbug does not mean the 20's dance. This week's TMI Tuesday takes me back to High School and (sadly) the song that seems to jump in my mind like a VH1 Pop Up Video bloop is Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!
1. What were you known as in HS (Jock, Princess, Geek)
Band Geek. Or if you were around George Jockofsmallpeepee it was Band Fag. (Really George... we all had gym together... we can see where your bravado was overcompensating...)

2. What were you really?
Band Geek I guess. I never had one of those tight night groups of friends that you did everything with. I had friends in this group and friends in that group.
3. If you could go back and tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?
Oh God... what WOULDN'T I tell my 16 year old self. Three key things I think would be "All that crap doesn't matter in 3 years" "Study!" (while pointing me in the right direction toward a career) and "Eat better!"
4. If you could erase one moment from your school days what would it be?
I could never whittle it down to one. Not anything terrible, just embarrassing. Like when I pushed myself back from the lunch table not thinking that our table was on the lunch room stage and my back was to the "audience" area so my chair slipped over the edge and I found out I could actually tumble from one level onto another lunch table.
5. Who did you not date (or more) that you wish you did?
There wasn't anyone that fell into this direction (not date, wishing I had) but there were plenty... well, all that fell the opposite direction. I didn't date much at all, I was the wallflower.
Bonus (as in optional): If you went to prom, describe your outfit.
Now, having said that I didn't date that much, it still strikes me funny how many times I went to the prom. (five times) I went to my own Jr then Sr. then went as "friend dates" to the following three. My first tux.... what the F*#% was I thinking.... it was almost as heinous as my date. I'll describe it in three words and I bet you recoil, make that sneer face and go "Ewww...."
White with tails.
After that, it was basic black with the tie/cumber bun to match whatever my date was wearing.
Given that my blog title referenced Wake Me Up...., I was going to put the video as a sign off and a shout out to my butterfly shag (the dance) teammate Lea in SC, but it seems George Michael doesn't want that video posted anywhere (they're all restricted from embedding). So I went to the next "obviously Lea" song and found this which also gives props to my mother who was a Solid Gold Junkie!
Check it Mom.. Darcell still has that horse's tail hair!
I can beat the "friend date" prom dates - well not me but Spousehole: he went to his senior prom with (drumroll, please) . . . HIS SISTER!!! Seriously, I've seen the pictures. And she ditched him to drink and party with her friends. To be fair, his parents made him take his sister, because she was upset that she wouldn't get to go to prom with those classmates because she was a sophomore and they were moving back to the States that summer. Also their school in London held prom at The Savoy in London and she wanted to experience that before returning to the States. (They moved back to England after she graduated high school, so both younger brothers had the "prom at The Savoy" experience too.)
Dude, you were _the_ coolest person I knew at SHS. Period. :D
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