One such friend is Matthew Lew. We met when he volunteered
his time and artwork as a live performance for an HRC gala dinner I produced years ago. At the time his work was heavy in blues, which I love, so I liked his work right away.
Since then his art and designs have captured the eye of the public. His work has been highlighted on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and he's also had his work produced for CB2!
Matt is one of those people who never seems to be without a smile and his friendliness shows through the flow of his work (IMHO).
That's not to say that Matt doesn't have a fun sense of humor as he can show it through his work as well! The piece below that prompted this bloghomage is a piece he has done specifically for the silent auction at the Equality Illinois Gala Dinner. If you know Joan and you've seen "Mommy Dearest" (or been to Sidetrack on show tune night) you know this piece and you know you WANT this piece!

1 comment:
That's when she's bitching out the Pepsi boys, right? Love it!
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