Only one, and it is not paid off. Not yet anyway.
2. Can you be in love with someone you don't trust?
3. Should prostitution be legal?
May as well be. They do it anyway. Have them pay taxes and also license them to be regularly tested and seek medical treatment (this is turning into a PSA)
4. On a scale of 1-10, how good of a lover do you think you are? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)
I have no clue.
5. What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?
1. Be late.
2. Chew with your mouth open.
3. Make me do all the talking. I'm a good conversationalist, but I can't carry it by myself.
Bonus (as in optional): Tell us about your worst date ever.
They were late, chewed with their mouth open and didn't say much of anything. I think the worst situation was after getting up the nerve to ask someone out, they said yes, we met, had dinner, went really well (and of course I'm getting excited thinking it's going to go somewhere) and after dinner and walking i was told that they weren't interested in dating me, but thought it was rude to say so on the phone and preferred to do it in person. 

Gee, thanks a FUCKIN' lot for letting me go on and on. Yes, it was good to let me know, but that's what you do when I ask, not after I've paid for the date... ASS....
Sadly, I have to see this person on a quasi regular basis and be nice for the sake of other friends. Karma is a bitch, you better watch out!
Well, that's *one* way to get a free dinner, I suppose. Ugh. Reading all these bad date stories is making me feel lucky.
Happy TMI!
Eeew the chewing with the mouth open...that is a serious problem.
I think I may be too judgmental to even date at all anymore. I was watching "The Bachelorette" today and one guy was talking to her about travel - turns out they both like to travel - and he slipped in "Oh, you've JUST traveled with your family?" like his travel was so much better because he had backpacked on his own thru Europe...all my alarms went off. He is giving her attitude right away because she doesn't travel like he likes to?
See what I mean? Put a fork in me. I'm done.
Nice answers. I love #5. I like people to be punctual, lol. I also *hate* when people chew with their mouth open or try to talk while they're masticating away. Yuck. It sucks when the other person can't carry a conversation too. If I wanted to talk to myself, I could have just stayed at home. Happy late TMI!
Maybe you could innocently stick a sigh on this person's back that says "I Am A Meal Whore"...make sure you glove up so there's no fingerprints...
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