Before my fellow orange-blooded Clemson brethren start sharpening their fangs from the image below, bear with me. This week the University of North Carolina Tarheels won the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship.

Yeah, I'm from Clemson; I went to Clemson (twice) but my mom was SO for UNC this song was often echoing through our house
I'm a Tar Heel born, I'm a Tar Heel bred.
And when I die, I'm a Tar Heel dead.
So it's rah-rah, Car'lina-'lina!
Rah-rah, Car'lina-'lina!
Rah-rah, Car'lina-Rah, rah, rah!
Now that I've paid homage to my mom, let me give you the Clemson Tiger Band version of the Tarheel fight song from the Tiger Band Unhymnal:
You're Tar Heel born, and you're Tar Heel bred
And when you die you're Tar Heel dead
So Piss on Car'lina - 'lina
Piss on Car'lina - 'lina
Piss on Car'lina ' 'lina
Eat Shit State (NCState)
Wake Forrest Suuuuuuuuuucks....... DUKE!
The other Carolina thought this week was a craving I've been having all week for the soft drink Cheerwine. Some readers may not have ever heard of this (Bunny - go find it and give it a try) but it's a drink that seems to be, as the ad says, a Carolina thing;

So let's raise our cans of Cheerwine in a toast to UNC's victory! I'm on the other side of the country this week, but I've been reminded of the Carolinas often. See Ya'll Soon!
I've heard that version of the UNC fight song... many times. And there's one that has the line "go to hell, Duke" in it.
And I LOVED Cheerwine. You can get it at the Wendy's down there!
Cheerwine...definitely an OCCASIONAL urge, I hope. Ick.
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